Training with Akamine Sensei - Okinawa 2019 ①

Below are my notes from a month of training with Shihan Yoshimatsu Akamine, a direct student of Sensei Hohan Soken and head of the Shorinryu Matsumura Seito Karate-do Hozon-kai Honbu. September 10 to October 5, 2019. I hope they prove to be of benefit, and inspiration for every karateka interested in the hidden roots of Shorin-ryu.

-David B


Week 1

September 10, 2019 / Tuesday

Arrived in Okinawa a little earlier than expected, and hoofed my bike bag onto the monorail. Jumped off at Miebashi and reassembled the bike before walking 50m to check in at Sora House. The comfortable lounge is totally worth a few bucks more per night, and overall the place is clean and well-kept with friendly staff. Nailed it on the first swing, after reading the reviews of the ultra-budget hostels (and peeking into their lounge areas as I passed by), I'm glad I splurged for comfort.


Went to the bus stop google suggested but when I asked a passing driver he said the bus I was looking for didn’t stop there. Turns out the inter-city buses don’t come up on google maps. The map said the next bus would arrive in 40 minutes, but the stop was hard to find, so I figured I had the bike so I might as well ride. No sense in being afraid of a little adventure, even though everyone seemed to think that 10 kilometers was really far. I took a pretty direct route to get to the east side but realized that there were a few nasty hills between Naha and Haebaru. I arrived in a sweaty mess with time to spare, and Sensei was waiting on the side of the road, waving me in. “Wow, you biked all the way here!” The dojo is on the second floor of his house, which is set back from the road and difficult to find; his daughter had to send me pinned coordinates because the address didn't bring anything up in Google. How others have dropped in on him unannounced I’ll never know.


Sensei sat me down and we chatted for a while so he could get a feel for me. I think he relaxed considerably since I speak Japanese, and he and his wife Ritsuko were very welcoming, to the point that at times I was struggling to keep up with the flood of information pouring from them. Especially when someone is being subtle, it can be hard to catch the nuances in Japanese, but I could tell that they were vetting me in a way by telling me about some of their concerns. The children began to arrive, ranging from elementary to middle school age. His adult students had moved to Tokyo for work, so his training was mostly with this core group of kids that he was molding over the years in the style he was taught by Soken Sensei.


Photos, articles and certificates dotted the walls. Akamine Sensei was promoted to rokudan (6th degree) by Soken Sensei and awarded the title of Shihan before his master passed away in 1982. Below is a photo of Soken sensei and those final certificates he bestowed to Akamine Sensei, who has never claimed any other rank while continuing his training for almost four decades since Soken Sensei passed away.


I watched as the kids perform kihon drills. "The senseis (I later understood this meant himself and Soken Sensei) got together decades ago and decided on this as the basics, to start every class." The stances are 自然体, natural, not very deep at all, and the hands are relatively close, at times tight but mostly relaxed. The boys were carrying those grip-strengthening devices you squeeze. "Those aren't for squeezing strength, they're for relaxing," Sensei explained. At the moment of impact they squeeze, then right after the strike they release the squeeze and relax. Speed and power come from relaxing, he went on to say. You can’t move when you’re rigid.


He ran the kids through Pinan shodan and nidan, and passai sho and dai, then a bo staff and tonfa kata. "Our stances are the same whether you're holding a weapon or empty-handed," Sensei explained. "Not to diminish other styles, but many of them have altered their stances to the point that you can't swing a weapon, so most weapons forms have been separated into 'kobudo,' their own martial arts. If you're in a deep stance, you can't quickly move in any direction, and you can't wield a staff, so you have to modify your stance. We try to keep 自然体, natural stances, staying square and moving in straight lines quickly and effortlessly, and we move toes-first, on the balls of our feet." Sensei then demonstrated advancing forward and retreating in a shuffle, then quickly changing angles and circling around to show the movement applies at all angles. He’s fast, and not just for his age; his shoulders and head stayed level as he glided around the sweat-stained wooden floor. I copied his movements, and he and his wife both seemed impressed that I could move toes-first as he had. I guess that aspect of my training has been good.


Sensei asked me to perform a kata. Anything? I asked. He nodded. I’m not used to performing kata, and I don't know why but I offered up the Wado Kushanku which I had been practicing with the Wado club in Aichi. I got through it with only a couple obvious goofs. I got some supportive applause at the end, "it's a long one," Sensei said assuringly. I know that compared to his own style, Wado is wide and low, with lots of straight, 90 degree angles in the limbs and raised heels in 真半身, mahanmi stance. In Wado training I was often advised to widen my stance, lower my core keeping my back straight, with the admonishment that it looks kakkoii, cooler to do so. Kata as performance can be beautiful; Sensei says, calling it 美 (bi, beauty), but that beauty is less important than practicality. You can’t move when you're in a low squat. Good for training, but be ready to move at any moment. After appraising my mishmash of styles, Sensei assured me “Don’t worry, we can straighten you out.”


Lastly, Sensei showed me the body dynamics of their blocks. As you defend with the back of the forearm, though you twist slightly you don't attack with the blade of the bone, but rather keep your palms facing inward, like a boxer. The measurements are made using your own body: 8寸 (sun) from shoulder to hand, and half that distance from ribs to elbow. Making a "finger gun," the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your forefinger is 5-sun, and the additional 3-sun are made by curling your index finger and turning it sideways. "it's not an exact science, just a general guideline for a natural position that maximizes your strength based on your own dimensions." This is particularly important because their blocks don't rely on strength, but rather optimal positioning. A short man of somewhat slight build, Sensei still moves with grace and crispness. “You don't show your strength, even in kata. Let them feel it. The kata is for you to remember, not to give away your secrets.”



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SHORIN-RYU MATSUMURA SEITO KARATE-DO HOZONKAI 少林流松村正統空手道保存会は、少林流松村正統空手道の開祖「祖堅方範先生」から伝承された自然体で美しく奥の深い伝統の型を、先生の意思を受け継ぎ、保存継承して行く事を目的としている。 本部長 赤嶺嘉松(赤嶺空手道場)